µTorrent 2.2 "Griffin" beta 20896

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µTorrent 2.2 "Griffin" beta 20896 Portable+IPfilter


-- 2010-08-03: Version 2.2 Beta (build 20896)
- Change: Multiselect is now the union of all selected items.  this fixes label selection
- Fix: Safari 5 compatibility for WebUI
- Fix: Status icon in lower right corner no longer cut off.
- Change: Download screenshot on find conent dynamically
- Fix: not all favicons were downloading for default search providers
- Fix: Crashes in IEFrame
- Fix: Crashes after app install
- Fix: Changes to/between app download/install nodes
- Change: Hide the find pane on win2k (it's not supported)
- Fix: take our survey no longer hides the toolbar
- Fix: Find Content Pane is the default on first install
- Fix: Find Content no longer will show if the category tree is hidden
- Change: Gracefuly degrade if app icon is missing: allow app to load
- Fix: WebUI security improvements



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